There’s nothing like an indoor tree in a room. It immediately brings the outside in, making the room feel fresh and more alive. Not to mention, it does a great job filling awkward, empty spaces. Using plants in modern design is a challenge because modern design seems to demand clean lines and simplicity. Nature, on the other hand, tends to be wild and chaotic. However, there are many ways to add the plants into the interior design as a creative layer. Plants are as important as other accessories in the space. Well-chosen plants — artfully displayed — enhance your home’s unique look and make it feel healthier and more connected with nature. In this article I we introduce you to the most beautiful indoor plants and creative ways to use them in the interior.

Is probably one of our favourite plants, it is known for its leathery leaves and substantial presence. When placed in an empty corner, helps to round out the room. Added from both sides of the doorway or a window give the room a fresh tropical look. Because of the leaves’ large size each plant has no more then 20 — 30 of them, which does not overload contemporary interiors with too many details. It will look harmonious and natural if you put the plant into a woven pot.

Elephant’s ear, is a plant with extremely large leaves, they can be up to 4 meters long if to measure from the beginning of a stern. Indoor plants are smaller, they can still be up to 2 meters high. They are great for decorating huge spaces such as: lofts, flats with tall ceilings, balconies, offices and bars. They attract a lot of attention because of their size. The interior will look very interesting if yellow accents will be added together with the plant. Black and white patterns will work well on the background.

Skoonma se Tong (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) is one of the easiest houseplants to maintain. The lines of the plant draw the eye up and out of the geometric planter and the grey backdrop shows off the heavily variegated leaves. This plants would look great in bright contemporary spaces, they would also create beautiful silhouettes in poorly lighten spaces, spa saloons, for example.