Wallpaper is making a comeback! There are now many different patterns, colours and textures available, which cannot be imitated by paint. If you are considering wallpapering an entire room, or just a feature wall, here are 3 great benefits of wallpaper we think you should know.
Wallpaper Looks Unique

It’s not every day you step inside someone’s home and see a wallpapered room or wall. It’s something special, something different. As the popularity of wallpaper increases, so does the range of colour, pattern and texture options. From traditional filigree wallpaper, to modern textures, even wooden and leather finishes – whatever you’re looking for, you can find it.
For a less intense look, you can wallpaper a feature wall, in built shelving or an alcove. This adds interest to a room and creates a sense of depth.
Wallpaper Can Be Budget Friendly

Wallpaper is affordable for two reasons:
- There is a wallpaper product for any budget. An increase in popularity has seen and increased number of products and brands available, and different brands cater for different budgets. You can also wallpaper a small area, which means you don’t have to buy rolls and rolls of wallpaper.
- Although wallpaper has a higher installation cost than paint, it does last longer.
Wallpaper is Durable

Modern wallpaper can last up to 15 years, whereas paint may need to be touched up every 3 years or so. Wallpaper is tough and easy to clean. You can even purchase vinyl varieties of wallpaper that are even easier to clean!
To ensure the longevity of your wallpaper, it’s best to avoid wallpapering bathrooms and kitchens, as this will expose the wallpaper glue to excess moisture. Moisture can cause the wallpaper to peel. Bedroom, lounge rooms and dining rooms are well suited to wallpaper.
Because wallpaper lasts so long, when it does eventually begin peeling, you may not be able to find an exact match in order to retouch the damage. It’s best to buy an extra roll or two, just in case.

Along with interior and exterior painting, we install wallpaper. If you would like a quick, accurate quote, please give Sue Hamilton a call on 082 950 3142 or email sue@cainteriors.co.za